Secondary Section Homework Task 2

Secondary Section Home Work Task 2

Dear DES Students & Parents of Secondary/A Level Section
During these extraordinary times we are going through a difficult phase of our lives as a global community. Many decisions are taking place in the wake of COVID-19 and among all the other decisions, the schools’ closure is crucially important concern. At the moment our children’s health and their academics are great concerns to address. DES has adapted multiple ways to keep its students engaged until the time the school reopens, which, as of now seems to be June 01, 2020.
DES Secondary/A Level section, being the most deciding section in terms of students’ career, has also planned its policy for keeping the students, from grade 7 to 9, stay connected with their syllabi during the following two months, April and May.

We have prepared a complete homework booklet for every class (from Grade 7 to 9), containing all the subjects. The file is uploaded on the school’s website and can be downloaded from April 01, 2020. Students may start working their respective grade’s homework following the instructions given by the subject teacher. Parents are requested to make sure that their children are spending their time constructively. The students are welcome to contact their respective subject teachers for any assistance; the contact details of every teacher are added in the same file.

We, the DES, the students, and the parents, being the three major stakeholders, have to work together to achieve our set goals. I am hoping that together we will succeed in these testing times and emerge as an excellent and a successful team.
I look forward to your cooperation.

Stay healthy, stay safe!
HEAD; Secondary/A Level Section

Vacation Home Work Task 2

Grade 7


Grade 8


Grade 9(Science Grp)


Grade 9 (Business Grp)
